About Us

Bhanu Pratap Jain

Welcome's You

We at DHANSANCHAY, have been catering to families and individuals who are looking for personalized financial planning, thereby enabling them to take control of their money and life. We cater to the needs of every Indian residing anywhere in the world (both Resident and NRI) who would like to invest in India after seeking professional advice from us.
We mark a place amongst Upper Assam’s reputable Financial Planning and Advisory firms with good experience and expertise in the field of financial planning and advisory.

We have a team of professionals and Certified Financial Planners (CFP), who assist our clients across India and abroad, irrespective of whether they belong to Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Guwahati, Mumbai, Delhi, Gandhi Dham, Ludhiana, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Malawi, Singapore, US, Dubai or anywhere in the world.

Our forte is Goal Planning, Retirement Planning, Life Insurance, Mutual Funds, Comprehensive Financial Planning and Debt Management and of late we have even tied up with partners offering health insurance to our clients.

We have pioneered the concept of wealth management via Life Insurance and Mutual Funds to provide safety, consistency and growth with proper risk management and asset allocation principles being applied to our client’s portfolio.

With more than 40 years of experience, we have been successful in helping our clients protect and grow their wealth and also attain their financial goals through need based planning. It is our deep personal relationship with our clients that truly sets us apart. No other firm matches our experience and dedication towards personal service.

The markets may fluctuate, but our reliability does not.

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